Personalized Molecular Imaging (PerMIT) Laboratory
(Katherine Ferrara laboratory)
Our laboratory has projects spanning all aspects of image-guided drug delivery. Major areas of interest include the fusion of images between ultrasound, PET, MRI and CT, the development of activatable drug delivery vehicles, and the development of molecularly-targeted drug delivery vehicles. Members of our laboratory bring expertise in many areas including biomedical engineering, physics, electrical engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, material science, chemistry, and biology.
Contact: Katherine W. Ferrara

Top Left: Surgical specimens are mapped to identify molecular imaging targets.
Top Right: Mapping of protein at single cell level in pancreatic cancer.
Center: Novel peptides are engineered to selected targets.
Bottom Left: Target and peptide interaction is mapped.
Bottom Center: Nanoparticles enhance immune response.
Bottom Right: Real time tomographic imaging of human limb using lab developed ultrasound technology.