
Fast, GPU-based Therapeutic Ultrasound Beam Simulation
Our GPU software for therapeutic ultrasound simulations is a C++/cuda library for efficient calculation of ultrasound pressure in the near field of pistons. The library has a Matlab interface and interface to FOCUS. The development of methods for ultrasound hyperthermia measurement was supported by NIH3R21EB009434. Graphical processing unit extensions of this software were supported by an ARRA supplement 3R21EB009434-01S1. Please acknowledge these funding sources when the code is applied in publications. Learn more about Therapeutic Ultrasound Beam Simulation here.

Real-time Fused CT-US for Identifying Tissue in Acoustic Beam Path
We have developed an open source CT-US fusion for guidance of ultrasonic therapy. The software is a plugin for 3D Slicer that visualizes a 2D ultrasound slice overlaid on a pre-acquired CT stack in real-time. We have used this software to identify tissue types in the acoustic beam (see publication). This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health under grant NIH R01CA103828, and the source code is maintained here.